Succulent facts about Airbnb Clone industry

Like me, you also might have come across reading about some scams in online rental bookings. But in no way that dents the credibility of Airbnb. It only affects other business as same as Airbnb. They might have possibly made it with some airbnb clone . I even afraid to say the word Airbnb. Because the sites who do scam are just using the user loss of concentration in the name of the brand or URL to their advantage. Scammers might come with the name as same as Airbnb with a subtle change as .in or something. So if users could recognize it readily then they won't fall prey for it. So what Airbnb is doing? In the process of helping its users stay away from scams. Being a pioneer in the rental booking industry Airbnb is in some way responsible to help users in this cause. And they ensured it through, Airbnb sends mail only with the mail address having @airbnb in some part. Not from any personal mail address. Airbnb is always an Airbnb on URLs t...